The holiday season is full of opportunities to catch up with your loved ones and enjoy some great food along the way. Everyone has their favorite Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, as many of these items are seldom seen the rest of the year.
If you wear dentures, it might be easy to get distracted at dinnertime but there are some food items you need to be careful with. After all, the last thing you want is to damage them and then have to leave your family to deal with a dental emergency.
Read on for some helpful tips about holiday items to avoid from your dentist in Texarkana.
From the movie theater to the holiday season, popcorn isn’t the worst thing for your teeth. But you must watch out for always dangerous unpopped kernels. They can get lodged in your teeth or under your dentures, both of which can be very painful. Munching hard kernels can also damage your dentures by cracking them or compromising them. Therefore, you should opt for some airy crisps or cheese puffs instead.
Nuts are popular during the holidays and beyond because they taste good and are good for you. However, biting them can damage your dentures and cause pain as well. The sharp edges can also get stick underneath your dentures, keeping them from fitting properly. If you want to keep your dentures and gums safe, consider eating softer foods like olives instead!
Meats That Are Tough to Chew
Steak that’s well done, pork chops, and beef jerky are examples of meats that require a lot of chewing. Unfortunately, this action puts unnecessary stress on your dentures and can dislodge them or create sore spots on your gums. With that in mind, it’s probably a good idea to skip on the tough meats this holiday season.
Foods That Are Gummy or Sticky
Delicious holiday favorites like toffee, peanut brittle, caramel can be difficult to chew if you wear dentures. Not only can they loosen the suction between your denture and gums, but food particles can easily get stuck underneath your dentures. Unless removed properly, it can cause bacteria buildup and result in sore, irritated gum tissue.
Fruits and Veggies That Are Crunchy
Fresh fruits and vegetables are very beneficial for your oral health and your health in general. However, if you wear dentures, they can pose a threat to your oral health. Biting into apples, carrots, or other crunchy fruits or veggies can damage your artificial teeth, causing them to shift or become loose. Before you enjoy any of these foods, make sure you slice or puree them so they’re easier to consume.
Embrace those holiday foods you can enjoy without putting your dentures at risk. Your oral health is important no matter the time of year. A healthy smile is worth a cuisine compromise from time to time.
About the Practice
At Pleasant Grove Family Dentistry, we strive to treat patients the way we would want to be treated during a dental visit. You can always expect friendly faces and quality dental work. We offer complimentary consultations to discuss your smile goals and then we can get to work! Our staff knows how difficult it can be to make wise food decisions during the holidays, but we can promise you that the tasty food you shouldn’t be eating won’t be worth the denture damage that could follow. If you are interested in new dentures, we offer partials, full dentures, and implant dentures. If you need help with your current set, we’re here for you. Either way, you can make an appointment on our website or call (903) 838-9700.