There’s nothing like a missing tooth to make you feel a little self-conscious; not only is there a gap in your once-pristine smile, but you can’t help but feel that you look much older and aged. Although treatments like dentures and bridges are an option, these need to be replaced every so often and do very little to make you look younger. However, dental implants can offer a permanent solution for missing teeth while also making you appear more youthful. Here’s how.
They Prevent Further Tooth Loss
A gap created by missing teeth won’t do you any favors, but it will make you appear much older than your actual age. The teeth surrounding the opening will slowly tilt towards the space, weakening over time and eventually falling out. Implants will help to fill in those sockets once again, reducing the risk of bacteria and infection developing as well as preventing you from losing even more teeth.
They Stop Premature Aging
Dental implants are crafted from biocompatible titanium, meaning they’re built to last. They function similarly to the roots of your teeth, supporting the jawbone and ensuring that it doesn’t begin to deteriorate. By heavily emphasizing the long-term health of your mouth, instead of focusing solely on replacing teeth, dental implants offer a solution that will last much longer than other treatments, like dentures, crowns, or bridges. This can actually help to prevent you from looking older before your time!
They Give You a Fuller Face and Brighter Smile
Having missing teeth can make your cheeks appear sunken, which makes you look considerably older and gaunt. Your teeth provide some natural facial support while stimulating the jawbone, ensuring that it doesn’t deteriorate and continues to provide structure to your face as you age. When you receive dental implants, you’ll quickly notice the firmer feeling they give your face—this also makes wrinkles less noticeable! Not to mention, your smile will naturally brighten just from having the missing teeth replaced.
If you’re looking in the mirror and wanting to turn back the clock, consider dental implants as a solution. They will fill in those breaches and reduce the risk of a serious problem while also restoring your smile to a youthful state.
About the Author
Dr. Torin Marracino received his DDS from the University of Tennessee and has been practicing dentistry in the Texarkana area for over 15 years. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, and the Arkansas State Dental Association. He also has Fellowship status with the International Dental Implant Association. Dr. Marracino enjoys educating his patients on the value of good oral health, and he would be happy to assist you with any questions you have about dental implants. He can be contacted via his website or (903) 838-9700.