Pleasant Grove Family Dentistry Blog

Understanding the Relationship Between Napping and Sleep Apnea

December 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 4:57 pm
Woman sleeping on couch with head raised with pillows

One of the many side effects of sleep apnea is that it can cause you to feel far more tired than normal during the day. As such, you’re likely to feel like taking a nap to catch up on your rest. But does napping actually help when you already have sleep apnea? Or might it cause additional problems? Here’s a closer look at the relationship between napping and sleep-disordered breathing.


Give Thanks for Your Oral Health

October 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 4:51 pm
A family having Thanksgiving dinner.

You have a lot to be thankful for this year, including your oral health! In fact, you have it way better than your ancestors did. This Thanksgiving, if you’re wondering how the Pilgrims and indigenous peoples cared for their own teeth following their big meal, here’s some history about how oral hygiene has changed since 1600s!


What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?

August 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 2:22 am

More than 500,000 Americans choose dental implants every year to replace their missing teeth. A dental implant offers exceptional benefits that aren’t possible using any other treatment because it replaces both the tooth root and the crown. Not only does this create a solution that looks natural, but it also feels like a real tooth, too. If you’re ready to take the leap to invest in dental implants, here’s what you can expect your new smile to feel like.


Dental Danger: 3 Common Athletic Emergencies

June 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 5:47 pm
Runner in red shoes in starting position on a track

Try though you might, you can never fully anticipate when a dental emergency will occur. They can happen to anyone of any age, gender, or walk of life- but athletes are particularly at risk. Participating in physical activities in close contact with others can lead to several types of oral injuries that might land you in the dentist’s chair.

While you can’t keep these events from occurring, you can do your best to prepare for them. Acting quickly in urgent situations can make all the difference when it comes to saving your smile. With that in mind, keep reading to learn 3 common dental emergencies that athletes face and how they’re treated!


A Guide for Receding Gumlines

April 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 3:35 pm
Close up of woman with receding gumline

Maybe you happened to notice that something looked off about your smile in the mirror, or maybe a friend said something about it over lunch. Either way, the results are in: your teeth definitely look longer. Unfortunately, unlike rabbit teeth, human teeth don’t grow after a certain point. So your teeth aren’t putting on some extra inches. Your gumline is receding.

Now you’re probably asking a lot of questions, “Why are my gums receding?” “Do gumlines grow – can I fix them?” “How do I stop this from happening?”

Keep reading to have those questions answered.


5 Complications of Ill-Fitting Dentures

February 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 2:46 am
patient smiling after having ill-fitting dentures fixed

Learn about the essential role dentures play in restoring bite function and improving your smile as vital replacements for missing teeth. Well-fitted full dentures provide secure adhesion to the gums, while partial dentures blend naturally with your existing teeth. However, poorly fitting dentures can lead to various complications. Keep reading to discover five issues that may arise from ill-fitting dentures.


Dental Avoidance: 3 Tips to Prevent an Emergency

December 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 3:34 pm
Damaged tooth next to dental mirror and emergency kit

Try though you might, it’s impossible to predict exactly when a dental emergency will occur because accidents can happen at any given moment. Whether you’ve bitten into something hard and lost a restoration or took a blow to the face during a football game that knocked out a tooth, you’re likely feeling shocked, anxious, and in pain. Though you can’t stop the event itself, there are things you can do to minimize damage if or when something goes down. Keep reading to learn 3 ways to avoid a dental emergency!


Turn Dental Hygiene Month into a Family Affair with These 4 Tips

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 1:10 pm
a family practicing brushing together for dental hygiene month

When you think of October, the health of your teeth probably takes a back seat to the biggest candy holiday of the year. But it’s also Dental Hygiene Month! While it’s fine to take on the challenge of improving your oral care over the next 31 days by yourself, it can be more fun and beneficial to get your whole family involved.

If you want to improve the oral health of your entire household this month and have fun doing it, continue reading. Below are five great tips for making it happen.


Love Coffee? Here’s How You’ll Want to Protect Your Pearly Whites

September 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 2:37 pm
a woman smiling while holding a cup of coffee

Does it usually take a warm cup of joe to get you going in the morning? You aren’t the only one! Over half of all Americans typically enjoy at least one cup of coffee every day according to the National Coffee Association. While certainly enjoyable for the taste buds, the same can’t be said about your pearly whites. Read on to learn about the negative effects coffee can have on your dental health and ways to keep your smile safe.


The 3 Dirtiest Things In Your Home

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — txarkanadentalteam @ 7:42 am
Toothbrush in a toothbrush holder

After the pandemic, everybody is a little more germ-conscious than they used to be. However, even now, there are still plenty of things in your home that could do with more disinfecting than they get. In fact, some of the things that you use most often are also some of the most laden with bacteria.

If you want to know more about what could be harboring germs in your house, here are a few examples of some of the worst offenders so that you can protect your health.

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